Thursday, 22 February 2018

Muslims Burn Pampers Diapers In India Over Cartoon, Accuses Pampers Of Blasphemy

Muslims burn piles of Pampers nappies and call for a ban because cartoon cat's whiskers printed on them 'look like the Arabic spelling of Mohammed'

Muslim protests in India are calling for a boycott of Pampers products after claiming to have seen the word 'Mohammed' in the face of a cartoon cat which appears on its nappies.

The lines illustrating the whiskers, nose, mouth and left eye of the smiley feline allegedly bear a close resemblance to the Prophet's name when written in Arabic or Urdu.

The image on thew hygiene product has been branded an 'insult' to Islam by critics, and protesters have staged 'Pampers burnings'.

Video footage viewed more than 175,000 times online shows outraged parents making pyres out of Pampers Baby Dry Pants in the streets of India and torching whole packets in protest.

Activists from the Islamic group Darsgah Jihad-o-Shahadat yesterday lodged a formal complaint about the nappies at Dabeerpura Police Station in Hyderabad, reports the Deccan Chronicle.

In a letter to police, the group said Pampers - owned by US multinational Procter & Gamble - had 'hurt the feelings' of the Muslim community and called for the products to be taken off the shelves immediately.

It stated: 'Even with (the) bare eye it is been identified that the name of Prophet (PBUH) can be seen printed on it in Urdu/Arabic.'


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