Wednesday, 8 November 2017

The USA can win a war against North Korea without invading – and it may soon be forced to try

There are now three United States carrier strike forces operating in the Pacific for the first time since 2007. The USS Nimitz, USS Ronald Reagan and USS Theodore Roosevelt represent tangible evidence of American military power. General Joseph Dunford has described their presence as “coincidental”, but of one thing we can be sure: far from being a matter of chance, the deployment will have been carefully considered in Washington.

In all likelihood, these ships are already equipped with the military capabilities required to support action against North Korea – in particular the cruise missiles carried by the escort vessels. After all, as Dunford told a conference in July: “What's unimaginable to me is allowing a capability that would allow a nuclear weapon to land in Denver, Colorado. That's unimaginable to me. So my job will be to develop military options to make sure that doesn't happen.”

For now, the focus is on diplomacy. That is why Donald Trump is touring Asia this week, rattling his sabre during a visit to Japan and soon set to visit Beijing too. In that context, the presence of the carriers is doubtless intended to reinforce the message to China that the United States cannot tolerate a nuclear-armed North Korea.

All the signs are that China has, belatedly, got the message. China is now imposing serious sanctions against Pyongyang and the effects are beginning to tell. There are longstanding connections between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the Korean Workers’ Party (KWP), as well as between the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) and the Korean Peoples’ Army (KPA).

Yet there will be scepticism in both Beijing and Washington whether Chinese sanctions can deliver a compliant North Korea in an acceptable timeframe. It will be difficult for China to bring the Kim regime to heel –even with the United States willing to provide assurances (both to Pyongyang and Beijing) that Washington would recognise a non-nuclear North Korea and that the US has no territorial ambitions on the Korean peninsula.

So the carrier strike forces have another purpose in case all of this fails. That purpose is, obviously, a military one.

In anticipation of the failure of Chinese diplomatic and economic pressure, the Pentagon will have been looking at the whole range of military options. None of them is attractive and all of them are risky. Still, as Dunford and US Admiral Harry Harris have both insisted, it would be mistaken to think that no credible military alternative exists. Indeed it may just be that the North Koreans have handed Washington an opportunity.

The launching of any more North Korean ballistic missiles poses a difficult problem for the Pentagon. To fall back on anti-ballistic missile technology, which is still unreliable, risks handing a major propaganda success to Pyongyang. If it fails it could lead to a sudden loss of confidence in the value of the US’s protective umbrella, particularly in Japan and South Korea.

Much more reliable would be to use cruise missiles to destroy the ballistic missile on its launch-pad. Thanks to the North Korean threat to conduct a nuclear test in the atmosphere, such use of cruise missiles could be interpreted as both necessary and proportionate. It would surely be accompanied simultaneously by diplomatic messages to Beijing, Seoul and Tokyo informing them of the action, its limited scope and the reasons behind it.

Nonetheless, most observers believe that even this limited action would lead to war. The Kim dynasty could not tolerate the humiliation of failing to respond in kind, and the presumed retaliation would be an artillery barrage of Seoul. The US response would be the destruction of the North Korean artillery pieces trained on Seoul and the simultaneous targeting of all known nuclear and ballistic missile facilities. That is a war by anyone's measure.

Thereafter all actions would be entirely defensive. There would be no attempt by US or South Korean troops to cross into North Korea and there would be repeated assurances to China that there was no intention of ever doing so.

Clearly Washington’s hope would be that the Kim regime would implode and that resistance would cease. Even in this optimistic picture there would be a major humanitarian crisis for which the US, China and South Korea are wholly unprepared. A more likely scenario is that North Korea would launch an attack on the South which would fail but only at the cost of several thousand lives. But the avoidance of any invasion of North Korea would significantly reduce the cost in American and South Korean blood and treasure and would serve the purpose of keeping China out of the hostilities.

What could possibly go wrong? Well actually, a lot. First, the US has a tendency to use excessive military force and to include too many targets. For example, they might be tempted to target the known locations of the North Korean leadership and this would smack of regime change. And they might consider using tactical nuclear warheads against the well protected nuclear storage facilities. Any such measures would undermine the notion of the strikes being “necessary and proportionate” and risk losing China’s reluctant acceptance of its validity.

Secondly there is the problem of Rumsfeld’s famous “known unknowns”. North Korea has been war-gaming such scenarios for decades. It may have installations which have evaded American satellite scrutiny and it may have capabilities (such as Biological Warfare agents) of which the West knows little. It may also have plans (such as the use of South Korean sympathisers and tunnels into South Korea) which have been in place for years in expectation of just such an eventuality. It might, for example, try and capture a nuclear power station or an international airport.

Finally, and partly for these reasons it is far from clear that such a war would actually be able to fully disarm North Korea. The Pentagon conceded in a letter to Congress this week that the only way to neutralise North Korea's nuclear weapon sites "with complete certainty" would be through a ground invasion. If so, would a limited war actually be worth the trouble?

Despite all these problems, there is a certain and regrettable logic pushing events in this military direction. On the one hand the US cannot accept a nuclear North Korea. On the other, nobody believes that Kim Jong-un can be persuaded to dismantle his nuclear weapons and his long-range missiles. A mainly defensive war would cost far fewer lives than an invasion of North Korea, which China would never accept. Nonetheless it would still represent a major global crisis, and the unexpected consequences could be far-reaching.


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