Saturday, 17 March 2018

How pre-marital sex enforces evil family patterns!

Dear Aunty Temilolu,

I’m so blessed by your write-ups in the newspaper. I hold myself high each day as chastity is now my watchword. I spread the word and I’m pursuing my dreams. Thanks for being my role model ma.


My darling, precious, glorious, dignified, world-famous and heavenly celebrated Nigerian sisters,

I’m most delighted to be with you again today. Last Saturday, I began discussing a natural phenomenon which topples lives and has over time scuttled God’s fantastic plans for destinies. It has caused so much pain and distraction in unsuspecting lives such that too many destinies never manifest because of lack of power to nip the force in the bud. As I stated last weekend, a family pattern can be described as a particular set of traits or characteristics in a bloodline or family that runs from generation to generation.

It comes directly from one’s ancestry and it’s an integral part of humanity. The bad traits which form an evil family pattern could be promiscuity, polygamy, anger, domestic violence, marital mis-match, divorce, unstable marriages, having children out of wedlock, terminal diseases, untimely deaths etc. These patterns and their effects on one’s life can be traced to the beginning of time as expressed in the holy bible. David who we read was a man after God’s heart and the greatest of God’s warriors, who saved the children of God and fought wars from time to time, who wrote the book of psalms and who knew God inside out, so to say was polygamous in nature.

He was so randy that his uncontrollable lusts for women made him order the death of one of his soldiers, Uriah, so he could marry his wife, Bathsheba -not caring whose ox was gored, forgetting that would make him go against God and incur His wrath. Now, King Solomon his son, who is referred to as the wisest man ever to live and whose godly wisdom is expressed in his writings-the book of proverbs practically went wild. A man in whom God was so delighted, who God visited and asked what he wanted, who got more than his request not only ended up marrying 700 wives, he also had 300 concubines and eventually worshipped other gods. His father, David’s ancestry can be traced back to Judah who went in search of a prostitute and ended up sleeping with his daughter-in-law. Are you catching my drift? If those who were so important and useful to God were conquered by their evil family pattern, can you imagine the effect of such on one who is so spiritually dull and ignorant of the manipulative force of one’s ancestry? Although I have seen some cases where the evil family pattern did not repeat itself in some lives, I have also seen where it completely damaged some destinies. I have seen where a mother had two children for two different men and her daughter had four children for four different men by the time she was 30. This was a very bright student until she went to take an examination in a city outside Lagos and all hell went loose. She had her first pregnancy at 16+ and all four fathers left her to her fate refusing to take care of the children. She can barely feed her kids least of all send them to proper schools. She is malnourished and worn out, looking 15 years older and trading in home-made liquid wash which can barely feed them all daily. What a waste!!!

If her mother especially (because her father was never involved in her upbringing) had firmly resisted her pattern repeating itself in her life right from her impressionable years, I’m sure she would have conquered. THIS IS A VERY SERIOUS MATTER! I pity a lot of girls whose parents have no time for the destiny and spirituality of their children, if care is not taken, they end up becoming liabilities instead of assets in their parents’ old age and that’s why you would find a lot of women in church almost on a daily basis, looking so sad and carrying the pictures of their grown and even middle-aged children! Is it any wonder Solomon said “Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth, Before the difficult days come, And the years draw near when you say, “I have no pleasure in them”…Ecclesiastes 12:1

To be concluded next Saturday!

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